Aligning Employees & Business with visions, missions, ESG and the UN Global Goals

Teaspoons of Change is a service provider to integrate the Global Goals into the vision, values and daily practices of any business

The Global Goals are the big picture for every Teaspoon of Change; 

Every Teaspoon of Change contributes to the Global Goals! 

In 2015, all 193 countries committed to making the world a better place through the Global Goals, this is why Teaspoons of Change exists.

The 17 Global Goals aim for three big achievements by 2030: 

Integrating the SDGs into the vision, values & daily practices of employees, business & society!


Supporting Interaction & Integration with the Sustainable Development Goals 

  • Integrate all parts of the business through a context and narrative of the SDGs and personal contributions 
  • Enhance or create ESG practices and equip the business and employees to be active and effective global citizens
  • Work with leadership and employees on vision and strategy, as well as turning ideas, strategy & plans into action
  • Offer expertise in approaches and models, as well as culture creation to expand the breadth and depth of future business practices and actions, including authentic ESG reporting and carbon mapping
  • Contextualise good work already being done and working towards a vision, outcomes and future strategies 
  • Provide resources, best practices and connections on global citizenship, leadership and action planning
  • Identify opportunities to easily align with the SDGs and share the associated benefits – internally & externally
  • Provide support for key champions and leadership teams enhancing the business from within


 We shift the narrative on the positive things ‘we do’, to them being ‘a part of who we are’ with personal and global contexts

Outcomes from engagements will include, but not be limited to: 

  1. A shared vocab and narrative contextualising all aspects of the business, embedding the SDGs in the business strategy and culture
  2. Essential understanding of the SDGs, at a personal and collective level, and how to take action for positive impacts on people & planet
  3. Highlight, connect and contextualise what the business is already doing to support the SDGs and where it might choose to go

Engagement with Teaspoons of Change & the SDGs: 

  • Our engagement is about meeting businesses where they are at, and enhancing them with an ESG, SDGs and Teaspoons of Change lens 
  • Overall, and specifically, we focus on and add value to: SDG engagement, sustainability, wellbeing, leadership, culture, performance, strategies and other relevant topics, projects, events or initiatives
  • Engagements include a summary of observations, appreciations and recommendations for maintaining and enhancing progress
  • You have access to Teaspoons of Change through d’Arcy (keynote speaker, presenter and facilitator) or possibly others in your region trained in the Teaspoons of Change presentation and engagement model 



What You Can Expect After a Teaspoons of Change & SDG Engagement 

  • Sharpened vision, purpose and culture – a part of ‘who we are’, not just what we do
  • Recognition as a purpose-driven entity
  • Competitive advantage in sustainability and social consciousness
  • Innovative ideas and actions for social, environmental and global change
  • Reduced costs with more effective practices and habits
  • Employee attraction and retention with greater job satisfaction & loyalty
  • Values-driven high performance culture
  • Personal, local and global sense of purpose
  • Evolve from CSR to ESG and beyond to authentic regenerative aspirational practices and KPIs

Any of the following key menu items could be included in an engagement & tailored to suit the specific needs of the business

Intro presentation on SDGs Executives, board, staff, whole org  10 mins – 1 hr
Visioning and design workshop Executives, directors, specialised leaders & teams 2 hrs
Workshop(s) Whole org, sections, specialised groups 1-6 hrs; 2-5 days
Implementation Meeting(s) Team leaders and influencers 1hr
Implementation Meeting(s) Work with specialised roles in sustainability, HR, wellbeing and other relevant roles 1 hr + as needed
Specialised meetings Section heads, admin, marketing, comms & other relevant cogs in the business 1hr
Workshop to maintain progress Select staff as an SDG working group 2 hrs –  half-day
External presentation / workshop Clients, customers or community 15 mins – 1-4 hrs

ToCh business audit on SDGs, sustainability and inclusion

d’Arcy observing business and casual conversations with relevant staff Half – full day(s)
Promotion, marketing and materials Teaspoons of Change team to enhance narratives & collateral with SDGs Half – full day(s)
Work specifically on special project, topic, unit, event, etc. d’Arcy & ToC team supporting working group or project team to include SDGs As needed 

Videos highlighting your business and the SDGs

Serafina from ToC makes videos used for internal / external promotion & social media 1-2 days

Awards System or Campaign

d’Arcy to align values and actions in a unique award system with double impact Half – full day(s)


A resource, presence & support for the integration of purpose & global citizenship

Baseline Testing & SDG Audit

  • Create baseline data on global citizenship literacy and competency to evaluate impact at residence end
  • SDG audit business-wide – what is working well, what more could be done, recommendations to leadership to embed

Connecting Leadership and Whole Business with Macro & Micro Contexts

  • Connect the dots on all the sustainability, community engagement and social justice programs and actions
  • Create an attention to intention so everything has a macro (global) and micro (personal) context

Key Presentations and Workshops on Global Citizenship

  • Give presentations and workshops to outline the Global Goals, how the business already compliments what is being done and to how make the Global Goals an important part of the vocabulary and actions, ongoing
  • Connect with clients and the wider community to share global perspectives and what is being done, and amplify them

Professional Development & Support Key People and Positions

  • Sessions for all staff as well as specific meetings to integrate global citizenship into the business – not a program
  • Sharing of resources, approaches, people & organisations to further develop any aspect of the global citizenship lens 

Residency, Opposed to Consultancy

  • Participate in the business & community day-to-day creating greater impact than one-off presentations & consultation
  • Play an active role as an effective global citizen, indirectly and significantly adding undiscovered impacts & outcomes


These are a general indication of value for business engagement but may vary depending on size of business and circumstances

 Item  Cost 
Initial consultation Nil
Other Engagements
 1-day  From $3000
2-days  From $5,600 @ $2800/day
3-days  From $7,500 @ $2500/day
1-week  From $10,000 @ $2000/day
2-weeks  From $15,000 @ $1500/day
1-month  From $20,000 @ $1000/day
  • $400 final report (optional)
  • Provide accommodation if needed – hosts preferred, than hotels
  • Reimbursement for transport (if needed) typically a return lowest-fare ticket currently from Singapore but can be shared among other businesses if visiting them within the same trip. At no cost to you is carbon offset at $30/tonne we pay using Offsetters

Minimum of 10% of gross income goes to good people working on global solutions and commits to the effective altruism / giving what we can pledge which we have done since being established in 2014…

What We Do


Align business, government and community with the Global Goals


Offer expertise in: Sustainability, Simplicity, Tiny Houses, Social Media and more


Integrate the Global Goals into the vision, mission and daily practices


Identify issues, challenges and opportunities to align with the Global Goals


Give context and highlight the good already being done


Innovate and share effective ideas, attitudes and actions towards the Global Goals


Engage, inspire and equip people with the tools to be effective global citizens


Provide support for key champions and leadership teams


Collect, compile and share resources, best practices and challenges from around the world


Provide a thorough and personalised list of Teaspoons of Change specific to you

How We Do It

We deliver a creative and intentional mix of information and inspiration through:


Presentations / Workshops


Mentoring / Coaching




Leadership Development


Advocacy / Campaigns


Experiential Learning




Points and Awards System - matching local actions with global impacts


Events and road trips


Custom-made videos


Community Engagement


Report writing and impact assessment


Analyse current set-ups, systems and practices



SDG Progression & Continuous Engagement

Click on image below to see overview of progressive engagement to integrate business with the SDGs

To request a booking