Activating and aligning business, education and government with the Global Goals
Teaspoons of Change are small but significant ideas, attitudes and actions that have a positive impact on people and the planet
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development are the big picture for every Teaspoon of Change
In 2015 all 193 countries committed to making the world a better place through the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, a set of 17 goals aiming towards three main achievements by 2030:

End Extreme Poverty

Reduce Inequality

Protect Our Planet
As experts in Global Goals awareness and engagement, we activate and integrate the Global Goals for Sustainable Development into the vision, purpose, culture and daily practices of individuals, businesses, education institutes and governments, making the Goals fun, accessible and attainable

We identify and address issues, challenges and opportunities, and in doing so align you, your business, school or government with the Global Goals